
The KLAB Community Beautification Grant (Beautify LA Grant) is a competitive matching grant (up to $2500) that will be awarded to community groups in Los Angeles to fund exceptional neighborhood beautification projects. As a matching grant, each awarded project is required to match a minimum of 25% of the grant amount or more through contributions.

Who Can Apply:
Applications are accepted from community-based organizations such as a recognized organization or an organization formed for the sole purpose of creating a project. An organization does not need to have “501(c)(3)” status to apply. The term, 501(c)(3), refers to tax law provisions granting exemption from the federal income tax to non-profit organizations.
Organizations are encouraged to partner with other entities for the creation of a project. Outside entities can offer support by providing technical assistance, volunteers for the project, discounts or donations of materials and services, and/or donations of cash.
Examples of Community Based Organizations:
- Neighborhood block leaders/Watch Groups
- Homeowners Associations
- Business Improvement Districts
- Chambers of Commerce
- Beautification Committees
- “Friends of…” Groups
- Parents and Teacher Associations
- Service Clubs
- Student groups, etc
Current grant application cycle closed

Questions please contact:
Paul Racs
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