Our goal is to engage, educate, and empower residents to become influential leaders in transforming their communities into safer, cleaner, and improved environments!
Community Cleanup Initiative
A series of cleanup days to beautify our streets by working with community members in conjunction with City departments and bureaus, educating the public on the importance of clean and healthy neighborhoods, and creating sustainable opportunities for change-makers to organize their own cleanup events using city resources.
Beautification Conference
An event to unify community groups, local businesses, City departments and leaders who focus on beautifying the City of Los Angeles. The Conference is another opportunity for people to connect and learn about city resources and beautify their communities, together.
Community Grant Challenge
A strategic funding opportunity awarded to community-based organizations and nonprofits, who are dedicated to keeping their specific neighborhoods, and as a whole the City of Los Angeles, beautiful, through murals, tree plantings, street projects and general beautification projects that community leaders identify and lead.

During National Public Works Week KLAB participates in Kid’s Ocean Day to show how our department of Public works can help keep our oceans clean and beautiful!
Making an Impact Across LA
In 2007, Keep Los Angeles Beautiful (KLAB), a citywide volunteer-based program, was established to help create, maintain and promote a litter free and beautiful City of Los Angeles by promoting the reduction of waste through various beautification projects and its strong volunteer base. This year, KLAB will launch the Beautify Los Angeles Campaign.
Our campaign is in conjunction with the national Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup to remove debris, beautify communities, rebuild public spaces, and reclaim thoroughfares to spur community health and economic activity. Through this campaign, it is our goal to engage, educate, and empower residents to become influential leaders in transforming their communities into safer, cleaner, and improved environments!
It is our goal to reach residents from all parts of Los Angeles to raise consciousness about the importance of maintaining a clean and healthy environment for all. Studies have shown that clean communities benefit individual residents in terms of health and increases overall community cohesion. Our target population are the communities whose neighborhoods are affected by unhealthy environments throughout the City of Los Angeles. However, our campaign will give particular attention to neighborhoods with the most need.
Aura Garcia, President, Board of Public Works
Paul Racs, Director, Office of Community Beautification
Diana Bulnes, Public Affairs, City of Los Angeles
Karina Casillas, Office of Community Beautification
Ana Huizar, Office of Community Beautification
Joyce Amaro, Bureau of Sanitation
Michael Klubock, Malibu Foundation
Jill Mather, Volunteers Cleaning Communities
Samantha Martinez, Community Representative
Suzanne Simmons, Community Representative
Hildreth Simmons, Senior Citizen Representative
Ida Talalla, Community Representative
Reyes Coca Cola Bottling Company
Contribute today! Sponsor an upcoming community clean-up event or beautification summit.
Contact our team if you have ideas to partner. Sponsorship opportunities are also available for our annual beautification conference and our district-wide cleanup events. Any financial contributions are tax-deductible. KLAB is a 501(C)(3) organization building private-public partnerships that beautify Los Angeles.
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