The Office of Community Beautification envisions a City where every neighborhood is a clean, green, and a beautiful place to live, work, and play.
Our mission is to inspire, educate, and empower people to take actions to improve and beautify their community and environment.
Our Team
We have a dynamic team of professionals to assist you with your beautification needs in your community. Contact us if you have questions, concerns or new ideas on how we can partner in your community!

188 clean up events – working with 12,362 volunteers from businesses, schools, and nonprofits across Los Angeles!
26,056,756 square footage of graffiti removed!
141,031 trash bags collected!
The City of Los Angeles, Board of Public Works, Office of Community Beautification (OCB) seeks to create a clean and beautiful Los Angeles by forming partnerships with volunteers, residents, community based organizations, and non-profit agencies, focusing on volunteerism and beautification efforts.
OCB engages in community beautification by providing graffiti removal services, coordination of volunteer cleanup efforts and involvement with other beautification efforts. OCB programs are designed to empower neighborhoods and community groups. By utilizing OCB services, participants improve their environment while building partnerships with the City of Los Angeles.
OCB provides a variety of services and programs such as graffiti abatement, volunteer programs, public right-of-way cleanups, the adopt-a-median program, and the sidewalk rebate program. If you spot an area with excessive weed encroachments and loose litter, please contact the coordinator in your area.
OCB Milestones & Timeline
Then-Mayor Tom Bradley & Public Works President Ed Avila started Operation Clean Sweep with the goal of helping communities clean up litter.
Operation Clean Sweep starts the Adopt-A-Median project to help community groups with development ideas.
Operation Clean Sweep hired Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to launch an anti-graffiti Educational Outreach Program.
Reach Us Here!
Contact our team with partnership ideas, questions or concerns related to our programs and your community. You can submit your comments regarding our programs or services including Graffiti Abatement, Community Beautification Grants, Volunteer Clean-up support, etc. We look forward to hearing from you!
200 N. Spring Street, Room 356
Los Angeles, CA 90012-4801
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